C3 Awareness


How we can be reached:

  • DECT: 113
  • Phone: +49 40 5730830 113
  • Mastodon: @c3awareness
  • Matrix: @c3awareness:fairydust.space
  • E-mail: team@c3awareness.de

The GPG key with the following fingerprint is available for encrypted contact by e-mail:

7F43 A123 1D98 8F53 86DE 513B B413 C554 6293 D010

During an event, an email to team@c3awareness.de reaches everyone who is active in the team of the respective event. In-between events, the mail will be forwarded to about 5 people who will take care of it. If you don’t want to send your request to a general address, you can simply write that someone should get in touch with you. One of us will then get in touch, probably with another person in the CC, as we prefer to work in pairs.